Dear Dawn Primarolo,
I am writing to you to express my great concern about the Government's proposals to allow genetic modification of human embryos.
I am not reassured by the Government's plans to prohibit the creation of genetically modified (GM) babies for the present, since it is clear to me that your eventual aim is to allow this. If this were not the plan, why allow scientists to begin research? It would be wrong to invest funding in research and to raise hopes of future cures for disease unless the aim was to eventually allow this technology to be used. Unless you will state unequivocally that human genetic modification is wrong, I will assume that this is your long-term goal.
We are therefore facing the crucial decision whether we want society to go down this path NOW. Since I believe that the creation of GM babies would be unethical and highly dangerous to society, I urge you not to allow research in this area. The genetic modification of human beings will lead to a new type of consumer eugenics. and to wealthy parents giving their children genetic advantages over others. There is no medical need for this technology, since parents who want to avoid passing on genetic diseases have many other options available to them.
This would be the first time that any government has officially sanctioned this practice, which is banned in most other European countries under the European Convention on Biomedicine and Human Rights. If Britain decides to proceed towards human genetic modification it will lead to a perception of Britain as a haven for irresponsible and money-driven scientists and will damage Britain's international reputation.
It is not necessary to change the law to allow genetic modification in basic research, since there are no scientists who wish to use this technique at present. I am very concerned at the lack of ethical brakes on the genetics train, and I view your 'future-proofing' of the legislation as simply setting the signal lights to green all the way up the track. Public concern about this strategy is likely to lead to a backlash against other types of medical research.
Please inform me how you intend to proceed in this matter.
Yours sincerely
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